A journey toward right relationship
In June 2020 an EFC working group presented seven commitments for conversation and action among EFC affiliates (click the Seven Commitments tab below). For the story of how they emerged, see the Overview below.
"a process of learning and collaboration with our affiliates and Indigenous leaders within our affiliate denominations, churches and organizations. We will be exploring what it means for us as a broad evangelical community to embrace and enact the principles outlined in the UN Declaration as a framework for reconciliation. As was the case with our affirmation in 1995 of the Sacred Assembly Proclamation, this response to the TRC’s Call to Action is part of an ongoing journey of learning and reconciliation. It will not be the conclusion. We invite all people in Canada to learn with us as we walk in humility with the Indigenous peoples in this land."
Trailer - Reconciliation Through Relationships from The EFC on Vimeo.
"I would simply say to every single local church, 'Where are your Indigenous friends? Who are your Indigenous neighbours? Introduce them to me. Tell me what you know of their story. What is the story of the land that you’re living on?' And if churches know that, there would be actual gatherings where people would appreciate each other and show up, respect and stand up and help each other in a good way." -Adrian Jacobs (Stewarding Sacred Seeds, p. 18)
"I would simply say to every single local church, 'Where are your Indigenous friends? Who are your Indigenous neighbours? Introduce them to me. Tell me what you know of their story. What is the story of the land that you’re living on?' And if churches know that, there would be actual gatherings where people would appreciate each other and show up, respect and stand up and help each other in a good way."
-Adrian Jacobs (Stewarding Sacred Seeds, p. 18)